Do I Really Need Local Marketing?

Build it and they will come. Or will they? While that idea worked in Field of Dreams, it rarely translates well to healthcare practices. For all the time you spent learning your craft in postgraduate school, the clinical training was generally much more frequent than the business training. Local marketing has become vitally important to healthcare practices.

We know now that marketing is an important part of getting your business seen and heard. Local marketing is a way for your patients and customers to find you, find out about you, and continue to use your services. With more and more people using their cellphone almost exclusively, your practice has to be found from their phone. Once you are found, they want to interact with your office easily and quickly.

Another thing we know now is that it costs more to acquire a new patient than it does to keep an existing patient. Don’t assume that the new patient is a permanent patient – they want to have a great experience every time, not just the first time. When your staff treats each patient like a person instead of a number, the relationship deepens and grows.

Feel like you’ve tried everything and your practice growth rate is still slow? Let’s talk, we can help. We function as a virtual CMO to make sure the marketing dollars you are spending are well accounted for.